We built a time machine to the future of ticketing.
Our industry-leading platform is backed by a dedicated group of experts passionate about transforming ticket sales.
Operations Team
Andrew Robinson
CTO/General Manager
Alexandra Schiel
Director of Marketing and PR
Cindy Garrison
Director of Fulfillment
Partnerships Team
Chris Freet
Chief Innovation Officer
Adam Campell
Head of Growth, New Markets
Nicole Friesenhahn
Director, Growth
Eric Nichols
Head of Growth, College
Development Team
Chris Stoddart
Product Engineer
Joe Chimienti
Platform Engineering
Dr. Joseph Coleman
Data Science
Kevin Christian
Platform Engineering
Priyanka Gadde
Platform Engineering
Ramil Aleskerov
Data Science
James Boyer
Data Scientist
Nishon Rad
Product Manager
Lalitha Shriram
QA Analyst
Will Adams
Platform Engineering
Will Fernandez
Sr. Product Designer
Curtis Green
Platform Engineering
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